pH Testing Results: Cleansers

To find a list of all cleansers that I have tested, as well as cleansers tested by others on Instagram  (that use the #gtggphtest hashtag), click on the link that says “GTGGpHTest Spreadsheet results”. I will try to update this spreadsheet as often as I can! There are currently a little over 300 cleansers! 🙂

**Last updated 4/29/2024**

Huge thanks to the following people for using the #gtggphtest hashtag and contributing to these results: @honestlyskin, @thatskinglo, @ashleyellebeauty, @beautpilgrim, @cosvitalista, @beauty_unplugged, @ladylunaskin, @lizbtco, @lipstickpredator, @skinepical, @Skinmusings, @theskinstudy, @thejamiequinn, @socialskinroutine, @oilyskinprobs @skeencareaddict

#GTGGpHTest Spreadsheet results

*Some links in the spreadsheet are affiliate links. When you make a purchase through these links, I will earn a very small commission (this commission is in no way added to the price you pay for any items purchased through these links). This compensation helps fund and support this blog and my time spent creating and maintaining content for you all.


Do you want to start testing your own cleansers?

If you are curious about how to get into pH-testing, be sure to check out my post on options for pH-test strips and pH-meters: Click here